Overview of Reaction Setup (NEB #S0164)
Prepare reaction as described below:
Any WarmStart® LAMP/RT-LAMP 2X Master Mix |
12.5 μl |
Control LAMP Primer Mix (rActin) (NEB #S0164) |
2.5 μl |
Nuclease-free Water |
Y μl |
Detection Component [optional]* |
X μl |
Sample Nucleic Acid |
2.0 μl |
Total Volume |
25 μl |
* Common detection components include LAMP Fluorescent Dye (NEB #B1700), hydroxynaphthol blue, calcein (with manganese), or DARQ probes. For turbidity detection, no additional components are required. A 1X concentration of LAMP fluorescent dye (i.e., 0.5 μl of NEB #B1700) is recommended for most real-time PCR instruments. Lower concentrations of LAMP fluorescent dye (e.g., 0.1X) may be necessary on some instruments or portable devices to avoid a saturated fluorescence signal.