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Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes

Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Quantity Your Price
M0386M 20 µM 2500 pmol $861.00
M0386S 1000 nM 90 pmol $80.00
M0386T 20 µM 500 pmol $216.00
Catalog # Size List Price Your Price
M0386M 2500 pmol $861.00
M0386S 90 pmol $80.00
M0386T 500 pmol $216.00
Catalog #
*On-line ordering is for Canadian customers only. Web pricing is applicable only to orders placed online at www.neb.ca
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Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes, is an RNA-guided endonuclease that catalyzes site-specific cleavage of double stranded DNA. The location of the break is within the target sequence 3 bases from the NGG PAM (Protospacer Adjacent Motif) (1). The PAM sequence, NGG, must follow the targeted region on the opposite strand of the DNA with respect to the region complementary sgRNA sequence.

Cas9 in vivo: Bacterial Adaptive Immunity Cas9 in vivo: Bacterial Adaptive Immunity

CRISPR loci in the bacterial genome are transcribed and processed into crRNA. Cas9 endonuclease complexed with a crRNA and separate tracrRNA cleaves foreign DNA containing a 20-nucleotide crRNA complementary sequence adjacent to the PAM sequence. (Figure not drawn to scale.)

Cas9 nuclease, S. pyogenes, complexed with an sgRNA Schematic representation of Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes sequence recognition and DNA cleavage
Cleavage occurs three nucleotides upstream of the PAM sequence (shown in red). sgRNAs are complimentary to the strand of DNA opposite of the PAM.

In vitro DNA cleavage using Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes In Vitro DNA cleavage using Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes

Reactions were set up according to recommended conditions, and cleavage products were resolved on a 1% agarose TBE gel. Input DNA is PvuII-linearized pBR322 plasmid DNA.
Product Source
A His-tagged engineered variant of E. coli that carries the cloned Cas9 gene from Streptococcus pyogenes.
Reagents Supplied

The following reagents are supplied with this product:

NEB # Component Name Component # Stored at (°C) Amount Concentration
  Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes M0386SVIAL -20 1 x 90 pmol 1 µM
  NEBuffer™ r3.1 B6003SVIAL -20 1 x 1.25 ml 10 X
  Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes M0386TVIAL -20 1 x 500 pmol 20 µM
  NEBuffer™ r3.1 B6003SVIAL -20 1 x 1.25 ml 10 X
  Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes M0386MVIAL -20 1 x 2,500 pmol 20 µM
  NEBuffer™ r3.1 B6003SVIAL -20 2 x 1.25 ml 10 X
Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes | New England Biolabs
Home Genome Editing Products Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes

Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes
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Now available: EnGen Spy Cas9 HF1 NEB https://www.neb.com/en/#M0667 for reduction of off-target cleavage

We are excited to announce that all reaction buffers are now BSA-free. NEB began switching our BSA-containing reaction buffers in April 2021 to buffers containing Recombinant Albumin (rAlbumin) for restriction enzymes and some DNA modifying enzymes. Find more details at www.neb.com/BSA-free.


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Catalog https://www.neb.com/en/# Concentration Size
M0386S 1,000 nM 90 pmol
M0386T 20 µM 500 pmol
M0386M 20 µM 2,500 pmol
Please enter a quantity for at least one size

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  • 1,000 nM is equal to 159 ng/μl.
  • If planning to use higher concentration Cas9 Nuclease, S. pyogenes (M0386T and M0386M) for in vitro digestion of DNA, the enzyme should be diluted to 1 µM using Diluent B (NEB #B8002S) prior to the reaction assembly.
  • Jinek M. et al. (2012). Science. 816-821 doi: 10.1126/Science.1225829. Epub 2012 Jun 28.. PubMedID: 22745249
Additional Citations
  • Haussmann IU, Ustaoglu P, Brauer U, Hemani Y, Dix TC, Soller M. (2018) Plasmid-based gap-repair recombineered transgenes reveal a central role for introns in mutually exclusive alternative splicing in Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecule exon 4 Nucleic Acids Res Dec 12,PubMedID: 30541104, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gky1254
  • Lee, NC., Larionov, V., Kouprina, N. (2015) Highly efficient CRISPR/Cas9-mediated TAR cloning of genes and chromosomal loci from complex genomes in yeast Nucleic Acids Res 43(8), e55.PubMedID: 25690893
Quality Control Assay
Quality Control tests are performed on each new lot of NEB product to meet the specifications designated for it. Specifications and individual lot data from the tests that are performed for this particular product can be found and downloaded on the Product Specification Sheet, Certificate of Analysis, data card or product manual. Further information regarding NEB product quality can be found here.
The Specification sheet is a document that includes the storage temperature, shelf life and the specifications designated for the product. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version]
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Products and content are covered by one or more patents, trademarks and/or copyrights owned or controlled by New England Biolabs, Inc (NEB). The use of trademark symbols does not necessarily indicate that the name is trademarked in the country where it is being read; it indicates where the content was originally developed. The use of this product may require the buyer to obtain additional third-party intellectual property rights for certain applications. For more information, please email busdev@neb.com.

This product is intended for research purposes only. This product is not intended to be used for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals.

New England Biolabs (NEB) is committed to practicing ethical science – we believe it is our job as researchers to ask the important questions that when answered will help preserve our quality of life and the world that we live in. However, this research should always be done in safe and ethical manner. Learn more.
