Induro® Reverse Transcriptase

Catalog # Concentration Size List Price Quantity Your Price
M0681L 200000 units/ml 10000 units $602.00
M0681S 200000 units/ml 4000 units $301.00
Catalog # Size List Price Your Price
M0681L 10000 units $602.00
M0681S 4000 units $301.00
Catalog #
*On-line ordering is for Canadian customers only. Web pricing is applicable only to orders placed online at
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Induro Reverse Transcriptase is a group II intron-encoded RT that exhibits high processivity, increased thermostability, and increased tolerance of inhibitors in the synthesis of cDNA from RNA. It is an ideal enzyme for challenging cDNA synthesis from long transcripts, RNAs with strong secondary structures, and RNA samples with inhibitors. With improved 5' sequencing coverage of long transcripts, Induro Reverse Transcriptase can enable RNA-seq applications such as direct RNA and long read cDNA sequencing workflows.

Figure 1: Induro Reverse Transcriptase exhibits high processivity, permitting rapid cDNA synthesis

Induro Reverse Transcriptase can synthesize a full-length 12 kb cDNA product within 5 min. at 55°C. In vitro transcribed poly(A) RNA templates (1 kb, 4 kb, 8 kb or 12 kb) were used to investigate full-length cDNA synthesis. After first-strand cDNA synthesis, RNA was hydrolyzed immediately by NaOH. Subsequently, an aliquot of the cDNA products was used to make full-length ds cDNA in the presence of a 5´ specific primer. Equal volume of ds cDNA was analyzed on an agarose gel.

Figure 2: Thermostability of Induro Reverse Transcriptase allows robust synthesis at higher reaction temperatures

Induro Reverse Transcriptase can make a full-length 12 kb cDNA product in 10 min. using incubation temperatures of 45°C to 60°C. In vitro transcribed poly(A) RNA templates (1 kb, 4 kb, 8 kb or 12 kb) were used to investigate full-length cDNA synthesis. After first strand cDNA synthesis, RNA was hydrolyzed immediately by NaOH. Subsequently, an aliquot of the cDNA products was used to make full-length ds cDNA in the presence of a 5´ specific primer. Equal volume of ds cDNA was analyzed on an agarose gel.

Figure 3: Induro Reverse Transcriptase generates highest yields of long cDNA

Induro Reverse Transcriptase generates the highest product yields for cDNA ≥ 8 kb. RNA templates were in vitro transcribed poly(A) RNA (1 kb, 4 kb, 8 kb, 10 kb or 12 kb). After first strand cDNA synthesis, RNA was degraded and the second strand cDNA synthesis was performed in the presence of a 5´ specific primer.

Figure 4: Induro Reverse Transcriptase enables long cDNA synthesis from complex human RNA


Induro Reverse Transcriptase can synthesize products greater than 14 kb from human total RNA using a 10-minute incubation at 50°C, 55°C or 60°C. After first strand cDNA synthesis, an aliquot was amplified by PCR using LongAmp® Taq 2X Master Mix (NEB #M0287).

Figure 5: Induro Reverse Transcriptase is more inhibitor-resistant than TGIRT

Induro Reverse Transcriptase (I) shows a higher tolerance to inhibitors commonly present in RNA biological samples than TGIRT®-III Enzyme (T). 1 μg of in vitro transcribed 8 kb poly(A) RNA was used in a 20 μl cDNA synthesis reaction with oligo dT23VN. All reaction components including the RT enzymes were mixed well on ice before the inhibitor was added. The cDNA synthesis condition for Induro was 55°C, 10 min. followed by 95°C, 1 minute. The cDNA synthesis condition for TGIRT was 60°C, 60 min. followed by 95°C, 1 min. The amounts of inhibitors were the final concentration in the first strand cDNA synthesis. The second-strand cDNA synthesis was performed in the presence of a 5´ specific primer.

Figure 6: Induro Reverse Transcriptase produces cDNA libraries with longer transcripts

Long Read

Libraries of cDNA were prepared using either Induro RT or Maxima™ RT from total mouse brain RNA before sequencing on an Oxford Nanopore® GridION®. 3.25M reads were sampled from each library (seqtk sample) and aligned to the GRCm39 transcriptome (minimap 2.17). Average 5′→3′ coverage was plotted for each transcript length group with the top 50% of transcripts shown in a heatmap (yellow = high coverage). Reads mapping with mapQ ≥ 1 to either a 3.5 kb transcript (pelkhb2) (A), or a 8.2 kb transcript (adgrl1) (B) are shown in IGV (2.14.0) with Induro and Maxima RT. Induro libraries contain longer transcripts across all transcript length groups.

Reagents Supplied

The following reagents are supplied with this product:

NEB # Component Name Component # Stored at (°C) Amount Concentration
  Induro® Reverse Transcriptase M0681SVIAL -20 1 x 0.02 ml 200,000 units/ml
  Induro® RT Reaction Buffer B0681AVIAL -20 1 x 1 ml 5 X
  Induro® Reverse Transcriptase M0681LVIAL -20 1 x 0.05 ml 200,000 units/ml
  Induro® RT Reaction Buffer B0681AVIAL -20 1 x 1 ml 5 X
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The Certificate of Analysis (COA) is a signed document that includes the storage temperature, expiration date and quality controls for an individual lot. The following file naming structure is used to name these document files: [Product Number]_[Size]_[Version]_[Lot Number]
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