Protocol for amplification of DNA using the phi29-XT WGA Kit (NEB #E1604)

  1. Prepare the Denaturation Solution as indicated below:

    KOH (1000 mM)
    100 µl
    EDTA (500 mM)
    5 µl
    Nuclease free water
    895 µl

  2. Denature the DNA by mixing 1-4 µl of DNA (<20 ng) or cells (≥1 cell) with 3 µl Denaturation Solution. Incubate at room
    temperature for 5 minutes.

  3. Neutralize the denatured DNA solution by adding 3 µl of Neutralization Buffer, mix well, and place samples on ice.

  4. If denatured/neutralized DNA volume is less than 10 µl, bring volume to 10 µl with nuclease-free water.

  5. Prepare phi29-XT reaction master mix as described in the table below:

    phi29-XT Reaction Buffer for WGA, 5X
    4 µl
    Exonuclease-Resistant Random Primers, 500 µM
    2 µl
    50 µM
    Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix, 10mM
    2 µl
    1 mM
    phi29-XT DNA Polymerase for WGA, 10X
    2 µl

  6. Add 10 µl of phi29-XT reaction master mix to 10 µl of denatured/neutralized DNA. Mix well and centrifuge briefly to collect
    solutions to bottom of tubes.

  7. Incubate in a thermocycler with the lid set at ≥ 75°C, for 1.5 hours at 42°C, followed by 65°C for 10 minutes to inactivate
    the enzyme.

  8. The WGA products can be kept at 4°C overnight or at -20°C for long term storage.

    Note: If sample cleanup is necessary, SPRI® beads are recommended, following the manufacturer’s protocol. Typically, WGA
    products can be directly used in downstream applications without cleanup.