Protocol for a Routine PCR (E0555)
Reaction Setup:We recommend assembling all reaction components on ice and quickly transferring the reactions to a thermocycler preheated to the denaturation temperature (98°C). All components should be mixed prior to use.
25 μl RXN 50 μl RXN FINAL CONC. Q5 High-Fidelity 2X Master Mix 12.5 μl 25 μl 1X 10 μM Forward Primer 1.25 μl 2.5 μl 0.5 μM 10 μM Reverse Primer 1.25 μl 2.5 μl 0.5 μM Template DNA variable variable < 1,000 ng Nuclease-Free Water to 25 μl 20 μl*** 20 μl
- Transfer PCR tubes to a thermocycler and
begin the cycling program.
- Thermocycling Conditions for a Routine
STEP TEMP TIME Initial Denaturation 98°C 30 seconds 25–35 Cycles 98°C 5–10 seconds 50–72°C* 10–30 seconds 72°C 20–30 seconds/kb Final Extension 72°C 2 minutes Hold 4°C ∞