Quick Protocol for Multiplex PCR 5X Master Mix
Assemble reactions on ice. A manual hot-start practice is recommended to improve specificity. Add the master mix last and start the PCR cycling immediately.
- Add the following components to a thin-walled PCR tube:
COMPONENT 25 µl REACTION 50 µl REACTION FINAL CONC.. Multiplex PCR 5X Master Mix 5 µl 10 µl 1X 1 μM Primer Stock 3.75 µl 7.5 µl 0.15 µM
(0.05-0.4 µM)Template DNA variable variable <1000 ng Nuclease-free water to 25 µl to 50 µl - Transfer PCR tubes to a PCR machine with the block preheated to 95°C and begin the programmed cycling:
Initial Denaturation 95°C 1 minute 30-40 Cycles 95°C
68°C20 seconds
1 miunte
1-2 minute per kb*Final Extension 68°C 5 minutes Hold 4-10°C