Protocol for a Routine Vent (exo-) PCR
All components should be mixed and spun down prior to pipetting. These recommendations serve as a starting point; in order to maximize amplification the reaction conditions may require optimization (see Guidelines for PCR Optimization for Vent DNA Polymerase).
ThermoPol Reaction Buffer (NEB# B9004)
- Prepare the following 50 µl reaction in a 0.5 ml PCR tube on ice:
ThermoPol Reaction Buffer (10X)
5 μl
Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix (10 mM)
1 μl
200 μM
Upstream Primer (10 μM stock)
0.5-2.5 μl
0.1-0.5 μM
Downstream Primer (10 μM stock)
0.5-2.5 μl
0.1-0.5 μM
DNA Template
determined by user
Vent (exo-) DNA Polymerase*
0.5-1.0 μl
1-2 units
MgSO4 (Optional)
(1-6 mM)
Nuclease-free water
Bring reaction to a final volume of 50 μl
* Due to the difficulties in pipetting small volumes of enzyme, Vent (exo-) DNA Polymerase can be diluted just prior to the reaction in 1X reaction buffer. For example, 1 μl of Vent (exo-) DNA Polymerase is mixed with 4 μl of 1X buffer and 1 μl of that mixture is added to the reaction.
- Gently mix the reaction and spin down in microcentrifuge.
If the thermocycler does not have a heated cover, add one drop of mineral oil to the reaction tube to prevent evaporation.
- Cycling conditions for a routine reaction:
STEP TEMP TIME Initial Denaturation
2-5 minutes 20-30 Cycles
72°C15-30 seconds
15-30 seconds
1 minute per kbFinal Extension
72°C 5 minutes Hold 4-10°C