Freezer Inventory - McGill University

3655 Promenade Sir William Osler, Montreal, Quebec
Freezer Location: McIntyre Building Room 810
On-site Manager: Francis Robert/ Regina Cencic
Hours of Operation: 9 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday
Telephone Number: 514-398-2578

Displaying records 31 - 40. Total of 41 found.

Restriction Endonucleases
Product Code Product Description Freezer Price
R0189S NotI - 500 units $122.88
R3189S NotI-HF® - 500 units $122.88
R0547L PacI - 1250 units $486.51
R3133S SpeI-HF® - 500 units $115.88
R0145S XbaI - 3000 units $114.89
R0146L XhoI - 25000 units $470.53
R0146S XhoI - 5000 units $114.89
RNA Synthesis and Modification
Product Code Product Description Freezer Price
M0307L RNase Inhibitor, Human Placenta - 10000 units $568.43