Freezer Inventory - University of British Columbia

2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia
Freezer Location: Life Sciences Centre Room 5440
On-site Manager: Dr. Eric Jan's Lab
Hours of Operation: 9 am to 3 pm Monday & Friday; 9 am to 4 pm Tuesday to Thursday
Telephone Number: (604) 827-4250

Displaying records 21 - 30. Total of 35 found.

Restriction Endonucleases
Product Code Product Description Freezer Price
R0176L DpnI - 5000 units $459.54
R0116S Eco53kI - 1000 units $103.90
R3104S HindIII-HF® - 10000 units $99.90
R3142S KpnI-HF® - 4000 units $111.89
R0193S NcoI - 1000 units $108.89
R3131L NheI-HF® - 5000 units $479.52
R3189S NotI-HF® - 500 units $122.88
R0157S SacII - 2000 units $108.89
R0145S XbaI - 3000 units $114.89
R0146S XhoI - 5000 units $114.89