Enzymatic PCR Cleanup Protocol (NEB #M0371)

Enzymatic PCR Cleanup Protocol 

  1. Set-up the reaction as follows:

  2. COMPONENTS Reaction Volumes
    PCR Product 5 µl
    Exonuclease I (NEB #M0293) 0.5 µl (10 units)
    Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP)* (NEB #M0371) 1 µl (1 unit)

    *[Note that the same volume of Quick CIP (NEB #M0525) can be substituted for rSAP.]

  3. Incubate the mix at the 37°C for 15 minutes.
  4. Inactivate enzymes at 80°C for 15 minutes.

PCR products are ready for downstream application.

Interested in a 5-minute protocol? Try out the Exo-CIP™ Rapid PCR Cleanup Kit (NEB #E1050)